• So. I think the binary protocol is simply disabled for UART0 that is connected to NRF. May be there is a way to enable it by reset it to factory defaults.

    But the question is - why I cannot read from Serial1 ?
    Without it reading data from GPS-raw event probably does not make sense, because it may corrupt binary stream.

  • So. I think the binary protocol is simply disabled for UART0 that is connected to NRF

    I'd guess it is not, maybe bangle firmware does not pass unknown data to you and just discards it. You could maybe verify it by reconfiguring Serial1 to use different harmless pins and try to setup Serial2 (second nrf52840 uart) to use GPS pins, then hopefully bangle firmware will not interfere when using Serial2. BTW I did not try, this is just a guess.

  • @fanoush
    but why I cannot read from Serial1 at all?

    I cannot find that C code for Bangle that is responsible for getting GPS data. Could you help me?


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