It really is a nice screen isn't it? and yes, much bigger looking than its spec. I just bought another SN80 recently, with DaFit firmware from AE, and just ran through the full process:
- Used DaFlasher to upload DaFitBootloader23Hacked.bin
- Used nrfConnect to upload FitBootloaderDFU2.0.1.zip
- Used nrfConnect to upload fanoush's p8-sdk11-to-sdk12.zip
- Used nrfConnect to upload jeffmer's image (github.com/jeffmer/WatchApps/firmware) espruino_2v11.1.5.4_SN80.zip
I used my own driver set for now, but all works perfectly. Nice work, @jeffmer!
A caution for anyone wanting to get an SN80 though.. my "new" one has a slightly misaligned LCD ( a vertical line from 12:00 to 6:00 is tilted a few degrees). Nothing tragic, but unfortunate as analog watches won't align to the tick marks on the bezel! Could be selling off QA rejections?
- Used DaFlasher to upload DaFitBootloader23Hacked.bin
That's great! I actually am running with my own driver for the moment... not as good, but for setPixel, I just set the color and go.. I don't buffer even the one line; so it's slower but I got it to work. I tried taking out double buffering but it didn't work for me... but I'll try your version for sure.
As for the button, I did get it to work.. According to atc1441's notes, btn1 is D9, and that works as long as you pull D17 high. I'm sure there's a less hacky way, but I defined two buttons, the second one being D17, and pull it high: