• While global settings may not include an explicit configuration for a global theme, you may still set one which is from then on respected in any apps (unless they override any theme settings):

      let customTheme = {
        fg:g.toColor(0,0,0), fg2:g.toColor(0,0,1), fgH:g.toColor(0,0,0),
        bg:g.toColor(0,1,0), bg2:g.toColor(0,1,0), bgH:g.toColor(1,1,0)
      let globalSettings = Object.assign(
        require('Storage').readJSON('setting.json', true) || {},
        { theme:customTheme }
      require('Storage').writeJSON('setting.json', globalSettings);

    It is important, however, that you use g.toColor in order to get the proper color values for the Bangle.js 2!
