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  • 256kB RAM 1024kB on-chip flash, 8MB external flash

    could anybody explain:

    1. what is "on-chip flash" for? Is it for firmware only?
    2. there are modules Flash, Storage, StorageFile, fs.
      all can read/write... to which flash?
    3. does block address space include both on-chip flash and external flash, kind of concatenates 1MB and 8MB, or they are separate?
    4. I need to write text or binary files, they may be long size. Should I use StorageFile.write()?
    5. what type of filesystem is it? FAT, VFAT?
    6. I could not find how to get metadata of a file - size, create time, change time. I hope at least size should be somewhere.
    7. can I create folders?

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