First check was in a dark room for backlight: negative.
Never heard any buzzing.Rechecked Web IDE following sitting for a while, 3s press, 6s press, 10s & 20s: negative, "no compatible device found"
Cleaned with an artgum eraser and alcohol. Showing 3.32v across center 2 pins, nothing across outer pins. Charged for an hour, tried 3 seconds, 6s, 10s and 20s. No sign of screen activity or a backlight. Rechecked the IDE as above, same result.
I haven't read all of the documentation but can't see what I might have selected by doing that first random scroll that would lock it up.
Magical thinking has me continuing to press the button every once in a while, but in the words of a famous doctor: "I think it's dead, Jim", (although, glad to try/test anything else you can think of).
Argh, sorry about that. It's very interesting that the screen actually worked for you for a while first. Have you seen any other activity out of it, like it buzzing? Does the backlight light up, even though the display is black?
Do you think you could try connecting to it via Bluetooth again? because it's possible that with all the button pressing it just got into bootloader mode (which it'd exit after ~1 minute of inactivity).
It sounds a lot like maybe the battery is totally flat and for some reason it's not charging. Thanks for checking the cable voltage - please could you just take a look at the rear connectors on the watch and see if they look ok? Maybe give them a quick rub with a cloth and try again?
But otherwise I guess it may be replacement time.