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  • just my two cents, disclaimer: I have not had the privilege of using a bangle yet, so this is very much an outsider perspective and vastly influenced by the google app store:

    what if each app had a little icon by it which showed the number of open GitHub issues related to that app

    I don't think that will do much about the apps tbh, I dont think its an important value to decide by if I want to install an app or not.

    There are other improvements the app store can face which are fare more valuable for the end user, imo. Listing them in decreasing importance.

    0, Screenshots!!!

    You talked about generating them automatically potentially, and thats a nice thought, but either for the time being or for apps which make use of harder-to-emulate states like different settings, different app behaviour, different sensor inputs the dev wants to show off, etc., I would definitely introduce a system of "put all media showcasing your app in this folder, and they will show up in the store". Then actually show them in the store, leading to my next point:

    1, Read more... for all apps!

    I like the current layout (Icon, name, version number, github link, etc.) for the overview, but then I would love to be able to click on the "app-tile" (stole that term from the html source), and have a page pop-up like the read more part - but for all apps, and standardized for all of them. In there, I would like to see a longer description of what the app does, the aforementioned screenshots / mp4 showcase of the app, then an (author) link if people want to, and maybe some more information like the size of it? One can play with that room if someone comes up with more information that would need to be standardized between all apps, but the less the better ofc, since everyone would need to fill these out in their submission to the app store.

    2, Categories

    The categories which exist in the upper bar are nice, but I would like to see them integrated into the pop-up screen as well, they give a great overview of what is an app about without having to read much. And maybe also require people to put at least one tag there, and make sure the app fits when accepting a PR.

    3, Localization

    I have read the localize tutorial and that works well for everything interchangeable within apps, but not for app specific strings. Coming up with a proper solution for this if I haven't missed it would mean e.g. to just have a strings.json file with all strings in the app mapped to each language code (so dict of dict), and then we can include the supported language of each app into the pop-up screen as well, and add a filter type for that.

    4, Download stats

    Mentioned before, just a thing to play with, very much not needed, and easy to abuse if one wants to, but hey.


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