If the GPS is starting from fresh, it needs to download the almanac and ephemeris data. This takes a minimum 12.5 minutes, assuming no errors. If there are errors, then depending on what data is missing it could be another 12.5 minutes before that data is re-sent. It's quite likely the first fix will take two goes, or 25 minutes. It's down to a bit of luck, really.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
If the GPS is starting from fresh, it needs to download the almanac and ephemeris data. This takes a minimum 12.5 minutes, assuming no errors. If there are errors, then depending on what data is missing it could be another 12.5 minutes before that data is re-sent. It's quite likely the first fix will take two goes, or 25 minutes. It's down to a bit of luck, really.