• I looked into the mentioned sections but did not find anything applicable.

    Just to stop being abstract: here is my code for the MDBT42Q

      let Neopixel = require("neopixel");
      let DisplaySize = 16*16;
      let Display     = new Uint8ClampedArray(DisplaySize*3);
      let PixelOffset = new Int16Array(256);
        for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
          for (let j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
            let Index = i*16 + j;
            if (i % 2 === 0) {
              PixelOffset[Index] = Index*3;
            } else {
              PixelOffset[Index] = (i*16 + 15 - j)*3;
      let normalized = new Uint8ClampedArray(16*16);
        for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
          normalized[i] = (
            i === 0
            ? 0
            : Math.round(1 + 256/4*(i/256)*(i/256))
      let TemperatureMap = new Uint8ClampedArray(DisplaySize);
        for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
          TemperatureMap[i] = 0;
      let ColorMap = new Array(16);
        for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
          ColorMap[i] = E.HSBtoRGB(i/16, 1, 1, true);
    /**** processNextFrame ****/
      let HeatX     = Math.round(16*Math.random()); // where to insert new intensity
      let HeatCount = Math.round(12*Math.random());        // how long to heat there
      let normalizedRGB = new Uint8ClampedArray(3);    // used by "processNextFrame"
      function processNextFrame () { "compiled";
        let i,j,k,l;
        for (i = 15; i > 0; i--) {             // intensity diffusion for upper rows
          k = i*16;
          TemperatureMap[k] = Math.round((
            6*TemperatureMap[k] + 2*TemperatureMap[k-16] + TemperatureMap[k-15]
          for (j = 1; j < 15; j++) {
            TemperatureMap[k] = Math.round((
              6*TemperatureMap[k] +
              TemperatureMap[k-17] + 2*TemperatureMap[k-16] + TemperatureMap[k-15]
          TemperatureMap[k] = Math.round((
            6*TemperatureMap[k] + TemperatureMap[k-17] + 2*TemperatureMap[k-16]
      /**** heat around HeatX, cool elsewhere ****/
        HeatCount -= 1;
        if (HeatCount < 0) {
          HeatX     = Math.round(16*Math.random());
          HeatCount = Math.round(12*Math.random());
        l = HeatX-4;
        for (i = 0 /*, l = HeatX-4*/; i < l; i++) {
          TemperatureMap[i] = TemperatureMap[i] - 8;            // exploits clamping
          i = HeatX-4;
          i++; if (i >= 0) { TemperatureMap[i] = TemperatureMap[i] + 2; }    // dto.
          i++; if (i >= 0) { TemperatureMap[i] = TemperatureMap[i] + 5; }    // dto.
          i++; if (i >= 0) { TemperatureMap[i] = TemperatureMap[i] + 7; }    // dto.
          i++;               TemperatureMap[i] = TemperatureMap[i] + 8;      // dto.
          i++; if (i < 16) { TemperatureMap[i] = TemperatureMap[i] + 7; }    // dto.
          i++; if (i < 16) { TemperatureMap[i] = TemperatureMap[i] + 5; }    // dto.
          i++; if (i < 16) { TemperatureMap[i] = TemperatureMap[i] + 2; }    // dto.
        for (; i < 16; i++) {
          TemperatureMap[i] = TemperatureMap[i] - 8;            // exploits clamping
      /**** prepare display ****/
        let RGB /*, normalizedRGB = new Uint8ClampedArray(3)*/;
        let RowStart, RowEnd;
        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {                                       // row-wise
          RowStart = i*16; RowEnd = RowStart + 15;
          for (j = 0, k = RowStart; j < 16; j++, k++) {               // column-wise
            RGB         = ColorMap[j];
            Temperature = TemperatureMap[k];
              if (Temperature < 16) {
                Temperature = 0;
              } else {
                Temperature = Math.max(48,Temperature)/256;
            normalizedRGB[0] = normalized[Math.round(RGB[1]*Temperature)];
            normalizedRGB[1] = normalized[Math.round(RGB[0]*Temperature)];
            normalizedRGB[2] = normalized[Math.round(RGB[2]*Temperature)];
            Display.set(normalizedRGB, PixelOffset[k]);
      /**** show display ****/
      /**** wait for next frame and proceed ****/
    let now = Date.now();
    if (Timestamp > 0) { print(now-Timestamp); }
    Timestamp = now;
    let Timestamp = 0;
      setTimeout(processNextFrame,100);       // give Espruino some time to start up

    it runs even without an attached Neopixel matrix display - but having one is far more impressive...
