Hmm - if one overwrites the other I dont see how you could have both installed at the same time. There will only ever be one notify file on the device. But there would be a unique info file on the bangle so the app loader should know which one is installed ? At the moment I delete both just to make sure then install the one I want.
Would it not be possible to have one notify module and have it configurable fullscreen / pop up style notifications ?
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Hmm - if one overwrites the other I dont see how you could have both installed at the same time. There will only ever be one notify file on the device. But there would be a unique info file on the bangle so the app loader should know which one is installed ? At the moment I delete both just to make sure then install the one I want.
Would it not be possible to have one notify module and have it configurable fullscreen / pop up style notifications ?