• Fri 2021.09.17

    Hi @Asynchronous there are a few tid-bit details that would assist others as I may not have a definitive answer to your specific issue. This will allow those to get a better feel for your environment.

    It appears the WebIDE still has comm with your Bangle as it is indicated that you are able to connect. So lets do that, and please respond by posting the results of process.env and process.memory() for starters. This will indicate the current flashed version and amount of free memory.

    and, . . . are we working with a version 1 Bangle?    (yes?)

  • Hey Robin, thank you for reading!

    This is really strange, I tried connecting this afternoon and everything worked perfectly.
    You are absolutely right about the Bangle device. It's a Bangle.js 1.0.

    I also ran the commands you gave me:

      VERSION: "2v09",
      GIT_COMMIT: "7247a2c4",
      FLASH: 524288, SPIFLASH: 4194304, STORAGE: 4194304, RAM: 65536,
      SERIAL: "c3f57bae-4b29eb8b",
      CONSOLE: "Bluetooth",
      MODULES: "Flash,Storage,hea" ... "tensorflow,locale",
      EXPTR: 536882372 }
    ={ free: 782, usage: 1318, total: 2100, history: 30,
      gc: 0, gctime: 5.06591796875, blocksize: 16, stackEndAddress: 536922336, flash_start: 0,
      flash_binary_end: 457148, flash_code_start: 1610612736, flash_length: 524288 }

    Do you see anything of note, or was this probably random?

    (Thanks again!)
