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  • You just drag your finger up and down to scroll the selected item, and tap to select.

    Yes, done the scrolling bit but assumed that the tap had to be on the actual menu item. Its pretty nerve racking when you want to select VIEW and the option below it is ERASE or DELETE though.

    realistically you'd only be able to have maybe 3 menu items on a screen

    Currently there are 8 lines of menu items but they are hard to see and select.
    Could the thickness be configurable ? And the text adjust to the thickness ?
    EG select 6,5,4 menu items per scoll window ?
    The TEXT is so small that you need a magnifying glass to read the text sometimes.
    I would not mind scrolling a bit to get to the option I wanted and the list was easier to READ.
    It feels very awkward at the moment.
    I think this is general problem with Smart UI design.
    The AmizFit watches tend to go for 4 lines in a list , scrollable / readable.

    I guess this discussion belongs in a seperate thread.


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