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  • Thanks for all that extra data! I just added it to the step-count repo.

    Thanks, I'd missed the threshold in your code. I've now implemented it but as far as I can see it made no difference whatsoever to the steps recorded using your 3 data files. I guess maybe the threshold needs to be higher.

    ... but again, this is why it's really good to be able to run the code in a test harness

    However, I feel that what you've basically got there is a threshold? Before using the peak detector, we had the threshold on the filtered data - and personally I feel like it would be a lot cleaner to do the threshold after the filter.

    As is, when gate_open becomes true, accFiltered is now suddely>0 and all it takes is for the next sample after that to be lower and you've now got a step recorded.


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