That looks like an interesting controller. I did a quick image search and I found the attached, which at least backs up what you're thinking....
Have you measured the voltage between red and black? Is it really 5v?
Just to avoid confusion, I'd maybe attach a potentiometer to those three wires and see if you can make the motor controller work without Espruino first?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
That looks like an interesting controller. I did a quick image search and I found the attached, which at least backs up what you're thinking....
Have you measured the voltage between red and black? Is it really 5v?
Just to avoid confusion, I'd maybe attach a potentiometer to those three wires and see if you can make the motor controller work without Espruino first?
1 Attachment