Trying to use espruino to drive this motor controller, I've got the battery connected, I've got the motor connected, I've connected the red to the blue for the power lock
#7 in the wire interface is the throttle I'm trying to figure out
I've tried both with and without espruino connected to the 5v and - black and red wires (I assumed the 5v was a source from the controller and the thing would connect to a passive component like a hand throttle so only needing the blue wire made sense to me but that didn't work)...
I've got the A5 DAC on the original board connected to the blue 1-4V throttle wire...
analogWrite(A5,0.5) does nothing...
sorta worried something broke on the controller because the motor started to move slowly when I connected the red to gnd on espruino (it stopped moving after I connected the black 5v to Bat)
Has anybody ever tried using espruino and one of these to program a self balancing unicycle?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Trying to use espruino to drive this motor controller, I've got the battery connected, I've got the motor connected, I've connected the red to the blue for the power lock
#7 in the wire interface is the throttle I'm trying to figure out
I've tried both with and without espruino connected to the 5v and - black and red wires (I assumed the 5v was a source from the controller and the thing would connect to a passive component like a hand throttle so only needing the blue wire made sense to me but that didn't work)...
I've got the A5 DAC on the original board connected to the blue 1-4V throttle wire...
analogWrite(A5,0.5) does nothing...
sorta worried something broke on the controller because the motor started to move slowly when I connected the red to gnd on espruino (it stopped moving after I connected the black 5v to Bat)
Has anybody ever tried using espruino and one of these to program a self balancing unicycle?
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