Sun 2021.04.18
Now that is cool!!
@OmegaRogue you'll have the foundation to get we tinker'ers to solve the issues that Google Glass could not!
How long to the Kickstarter kick-off? . . . Glasspruino ;-)
Curious, how is data to projection done? Bitmapping a graphics array to the proprietary projection unit via I2C / USB or something of the sort?
Found this one much larger though, RGB LED Pico Projector using HDMI as input
I've been working on a Custom Wearable display called Project GLASSES, currently with an ESP32 devkit for testing, but my plan is to use an mdbt42Q in the end, and make an app system like for BangleJs for it and integrate it with the BangleJs as an input device for it. I'm posting project logs for it on the hackaday.io page