Thanks! Well that's a surprise - so it all seems to be working fine on the Bangle - just for some reason the interface on the PC isn't understanding the received data.
I even copied the file contents I see in your dump and put them into files on a Bangle and ran the GPS recorder interface and it listed all the files for me!
But this did give me a thought. In the dev console, it should be possible to run a command like:
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Thanks! Well that's a surprise - so it all seems to be working fine on the Bangle - just for some reason the interface on the PC isn't understanding the received data.
I even copied the file contents I see in your dump and put them into files on a Bangle and ran the GPS recorder interface and it listed all the files for me!
But this did give me a thought. In the dev console, it should be possible to run a command like:
To kick off the download manually - although it needs to be debugging the iframe at that point, so I wonder how you do that.