• Wow, thanks for the update! It's surprising as I've never had anyone have to do that before.

    Well, i'm not suprised : the OS i'm using is called Alpine Linux and it's a Unix / Linux distribution based on Busybox / Musl / OpenRC, far from the GNU / Systemd combo you can find in the many others distributions you can get. On one hand it's an incredibly fast and efficient OS, but on the other hand you need to do most of the things by yourself. I like it because it's also very simple and well designed, and it forces you to grasp an understanding of how systems are articulated but you also need a lot of time to work around problems. It's okay, i'm fine with that !

    It sounds like you're getting pretty close, but one option you do have is just to buy an external USB Bluetooth dongle and then do NOBLE_HCI_DEVICE_ID=0. There are some listed here: http://www.espruino.com/Quick+Start+BLE#­requirements

    While it's not ideal, the dongles are less than $10, so it's just how much you value your time :)

    Thanks for the idea, but'll stick with the integrated Bluetooth controller. I have the feeling that the current error is more related to the interaction between Node.js and Alpine than with the BT connection.

    The error is linked to hci.js, somehow the method Hci.writeAclDataPkt is trying to write a bit of data out of the bounds of a buffer. My guess is that it's size is not correctly computed. I'll investigate as soon as i have some time.


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