• This function returns a memory-mapped String that points to the actual memory area in read-only memory, so it won't use up RAM...If you evaluate this string with eval, any functions contained in the String will keep their code stored in flash memory.

    It seems that require("Storage").read actually accessing the data directly from flash in bangle with RAM less.
    But,i saw the post https://forum.espruino.com/comments/1500­9857/

    Sadly no, it has to load into RAM (at least at the moment) since the flash is external. It does it in the idle loop though so can make use of a bunch of execution stack and save using as much program memory.

    So, I confused about require("Storage").read RAM less or RAM more

    Another confusing thing is the returned data between require("Storage").read with A string of data and require("Flash").read with A Uint8Array of data, whitch from extranal flash both.



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