• You're definitely using an up to date Bangle.js version? Having GPS data as a filename looks like something overflowed. Writing to track 1 is something that definitely normally works as I've done it a bunch with the GPS recorder, so this must have been some kind of problem.

    Actually I may know what caused this. If you're writing to Storage and it runs out of space, it goes and compacts itself to move things around, properly remove deleted files, and free up space. Usually that's not an issue but if you had a StorageFile open during compaction (and it wasn't writing to that file that caused it) I bet it could still end up writing to the wrong address. Just created an issue for that here: https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/issues/1970

    I'm the one who did the GPS Recorder, so I guess that makes me the maintainer. A README would be great.

    The track names could really do with being fixed to bring them more in line with other things - I just haven't changed them because I didn't want people to lose their saved GPS tracks. But yes they are just postfixed 0..9, a..z as you say. They just correspond to the number you choose - there's nothing fancy there.

    I guess the question is: Why do you want to duplicate what's in the GPS Recorder widget when you could just install the widget in addition to your gps service widget? I think they should both work side by side if you install them at the same time?

    It's already a bit of a mess that BangleRun records data using almost the same format but not quite, so we have a bunch of duplicate code there, especially for the interface.html.

    I guess if you had to record yourself, a better solution might be to create a library for track recording (as is done for the OpenStreetMap view) which could be used from anywhere?


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