• #2
Hi - I'd just store all the images (as you'd get from the image generator site) into one big file one after the other and store the offsets somewhere.
var images = require("Storage").read("myimages"); // note 'images' is not actually using up your RAM, it's still stored in flash g.drawImage(images.substr(offset,len));
will do a copy of the small image into RAM, but honestly if it's a small icon that's not going to cause a big problem.
I want to image sprite of fixed dimension small icon images(~10 to 15) in to one single image and store in to storage.
What is the best way to read each individual image from the sprite. I can store individual image in storage but that is something I don't want to do (jus because I don't like soring lots of small files.)
Any clue how I can achieve this?