I'm trying to flash firmware on popular "blackpill" board.
Black Pill was always called this one https://stm32-base.org/boards/STM32F103C8T6-Black-Pill.html - a variant of blue pill.
But you most probably mean these ones - two variants STM32F401 or STM32F411
https://www.cnx-software.com/2019/12/24/stm32-black-pill-board-features-stm32f4-cortex-m4-mcu-optional-spi-flash/ ? The author probably didn't know about black pill and created confusion.EDIT: looks like there are even more of those boards -
Their github project https://github.com/WeActTC/MiniF4-STM32F4x1 links to
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000346695587.html which has 3.0 boards upgraded to 96/512KB for 401. So now there are 3 variants of ram/flash sizes - 64/256 96/512 (401) 128/512 (411)
I'm trying to flash firmware on popular "blackpill" board.
I tried espruino_2v08_nucleof411re.bin firmware and flash via Espurino IDE.
I event can't flash firmware ...
Tried via UART cable, STLinkV2 and USB bootloader ... :(
@IvanJ - how did you managed to flash firmaware?