Hi, I've had my code running on my Pixl.js none stop for a couple of days and it's been working fine for a couple of weeks. It is connected to 2 ina226 and has been merrily monitoring voltage of 2x 12v Campervan batteries.
I've got web page that pulls data from the Pixl when I click a button and draws a graph. Everything has been hunky dory.
But, I just flashed a tiny tweak to the board (changing the interval variable). I wasn't sat next to my Pixl but couldn't connect. I looked at the board and nothing was being displayed.
I've checked the power leads etc but I'm not getting anything out of my board. I've tried disconnecting the ina226 boards, still nothing.
I haven't cooked it I am convinced.
As you can guess I'm a bit gutted at the moment.
Any help will be gratefully received. I've got a Puck on order as I love these devices..
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Hi, I've had my code running on my Pixl.js none stop for a couple of days and it's been working fine for a couple of weeks. It is connected to 2 ina226 and has been merrily monitoring voltage of 2x 12v Campervan batteries.
I've got web page that pulls data from the Pixl when I click a button and draws a graph. Everything has been hunky dory.
But, I just flashed a tiny tweak to the board (changing the interval variable). I wasn't sat next to my Pixl but couldn't connect. I looked at the board and nothing was being displayed.
I've checked the power leads etc but I'm not getting anything out of my board. I've tried disconnecting the ina226 boards, still nothing.
I haven't cooked it I am convinced.
As you can guess I'm a bit gutted at the moment.
Any help will be gratefully received. I've got a Puck on order as I love these devices..
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