So I've hooked the bangle.js in series with a multi meter. To my surprise the idle battery usage on the v5 is 3x as small than on the v6.49.
My meter can't read to a precision greater than 1 mA. So its reading 1 mA on v5 and 3 mA on v6.49, since its a factor of 3 increase, it seems it could be problematic for battery life.
Can anyone who has access to power monitor confirm or deconfirm my findings. And does anyone have any pointers/directions/clue to help me find out what could be the root of this?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
So I've hooked the bangle.js in series with a multi meter. To my surprise the idle battery usage on the v5 is 3x as small than on the v6.49.
My meter can't read to a precision greater than 1 mA. So its reading 1 mA on v5 and 3 mA on v6.49, since its a factor of 3 increase, it seems it could be problematic for battery life.
Can anyone who has access to power monitor confirm or deconfirm my findings. And does anyone have any pointers/directions/clue to help me find out what could be the root of this?