• Hi,

    Had a look at the App Loader (in a hurry) as a solution for me, but had trouble getting it working, surely my mistake. Now I know it has XON/XOFF it's again on the "candidate" list.

    I getting used to the fact that a BLE connection is not 100% reliable, so I have to adapt my code for that.

    Yes, saw the \x03\x010 in your original code:

    • for testing purposes I removed the \x10 so I could monitor the response from the Bangle, when I saw it returning =undefined I knew that my transfer was succesfull.
    • I was uncertain about the purpose of the \x03 and removed it also

    So next steps for me:

    • Will put the '\x03\x10` back in and see how that goes.
    • will change my code to allocate for a failed connection.

    Thanks for your help!


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