• #2
Hi! I guess it's this one? https://uk.banggood.com/1_8-Inch-LCD-Screen-SPI-Serial-Port-Module-TFT-Color-Display-Touch-Screen-ST7735-p-1414465.html?cur_warehouse=CN
If so:
Number Name 1.8 inch TFT LCD 1 GND Power ground 2 VCC Power 3.3V+ 3 SCL Serial clock line 4 SDA Serial data cable 5 RES Display reset pin, low lever reset 6 DC Register select pin (instruction/data register selection pin) DC = ' 0' : Displaydata. (DC = ' 0' : Select command register) DC = ' 1 ' : Displaydata. (DC =, 1' : Select data register) 7 BLK LCD backlight control, low level off backlight 8 MISO Serial clock line 9 CS1 Display SPI chip selection 10 CS2 Touch screen SPI chip selection 11 PEN Touch trigger output 12 NC Hanging
To get started I'd just use software SPI so you can use whatever pins you want. Connect GND and VCC up to GND and 3.3v, then connect each pin to the easiest available IO pin.
In terms of the software, probably start out with the ST7735 and copy the code from https://www.espruino.com/ST7735
It should be pretty straightforward to map the pins given the data above, but any questions just ask :)
• #4
The XPT2046 is the same as the ADS7843. What's making your situation a bit more complicated is that they both use the same SPI bus pin and control which chip is selected by CS1 and CS2 and the available modules do not use the CS1 and CS2 pins. So you have to merge the two modules into one and include the CS# control. The hardware I used expose the bus for each individual chip separately (see conversation about Modular and extensible UI framework and ui elements).
Hi all,
Complete electronics luddite here. I have the following LCD touchscreen for a project which uses the following chipsets:
I'm just wondering if someone can help me identify the pins and how they map to those on the ST7735 (and if you want to be really helpful how I'd wire these up to an espruino wifi).
Thanks, Lloyd.
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