• #2
Yes, the fonts can be a bit small but I think this is the first time I have heard complaints. We could add a global font size setting but I'm not sure how many widget/app developers would actually take that on board (and/or test it!).
How does everyone feel about this?
In terms of the launcher - you could go into settings -> LCD and disable 'wake on BTN2'. That means that BTN2 won't wake the watch so to get to the menu you have to press BTN1/2 and then BTN2?
• #3
Thanks Gordon. Global setting might just add complexity and cause problems somewhere else. I am fine with what I am doing now as solution. I thought it might be good idea to rise this topic so developers make the fonts more readable sizes.
For the BTN2 disabling seems nice solution. I wont have to edit apps and having sequence to launch menu makes it child proof as well :) -
• #4
Ok, great - if there is something like a widget that's simple and the font is too small I'm totally open if you want to just clone it, make the font bigger and do a PR for a 'big font pedometer' or whatever it is...
• #5
That sounds good, thanks.
Hi Everyone,
Is it that I am old and my sight isnt so great anymore or some widgets/apps fonts set to size 1 are just too small to read. I ended up editing Gadgetbridge, morphing clock (seconds) and weather widget font sizes so I can see them. I wonder could that be solved with some setting for at least widgets to make them bigger.
Another thing that I change for clock apps is the middle button launcher. I press it accidentally when tilt my wrist all the time. I changed the launcher to BTN3 but then for that app you cant exit menu with BTN3 so I just relaunch.
I wonder what are your thoughts on this and maybe have better solutions.