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@MaBe @Raik I tried to update to 2.05 and run some tests. The result is this issue does not vanish.
I have code in .boot0 which isif(fs.getFree()<4096) fs.compact();
and I can see espruino will compact and restart when the free space down below 4096, then I run fs.compact() again in console after it restarted, and after reboot, all data were lost. fs.getFree() shows me 16384 on esp8266-01s, and fs.list() has an empty array as result.
Maybe it is related to the duplicate files issue, see
Can you do a
to see if there are duplicate files? But, they may they only appear if you are acutally experiencing the "data loss".
You could possibly also update to 2.05 and then see if the issue is gone.