• #2
It doesn't work with the mario-clock face
The gadgetbridge support needs 'widgets' to be displayed (like eg. battery charge). The Marioclock doesn't do that (yet) so it won't work.
I don't get calls, just sms/whatsapp/email.
Simon put forward some fixes for this a few days ago and I have just merged them - so when I next update banglejs.com/apps in an hour or so it'll magically work :)
Why is connected in the gadgetbridge clock app toggleable?
Ahh, ok. That's a mistake - toggling doesn't do anything, it's just to show you the connection state. I'll fix that now
• #3
Thanks for the response!
Also, thanks for creating the bangle! After pebble died out I didn't have a smartwatch cause I didn't find something fitting for me, I am very happy something exists now again.
I have some questions for gadgetbridge.
Would be nice if someone could answer those for me.