Tue 2020.03.31
ref to 'FIFO_FULL' snippet in post #15
The reference to post #9 did occur there, but that was three days and more than ten new file cleanup attempts. In my mind, I was thinking 'CALLBACK' flag and knew I had posted, but as can be seen, not in this thread. It was in fact at:
How to determine which setWatch callback function triggers the E.getErrorFlags() CALLBACK error
So I now understand the response as I hadn't placed that content here, although I knew I had posted it.
'Maybe someone else can jump in'
Yes please, any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Priority at this moment:
Resolution to vertical spacing (blank lines) with Template Literals - confirm w/ file below
EDIT: Thr 20200402 - (blank lines) above To be worked on see post #2:
http://forum.espruino.com/comments/15186872/JsVars calculation analysis in post #3 at:
Posted on Tue 31st, March 2020 How to determine which setWatch callback function triggers the E.getErrorFlags() CALLBACK error
Someone with low level PPI skills to confirm observations left off at:
Posted on Thu 5th, March 2020 Tutorial example output anomaly using low level access PPI on MDBT42Q breakout board
In the mean time, I'll attempt to rip out ALL comments and manage two files, as painful as that will be, and I'll look into uploading not changing code to flash, run that from there and still edit using RAM to continue.
From post #13'prints as as you'd expect. Just tried it and it's perfect'
works on your PC ;-)
So, which WebIDE and OS was this done? Four tests below for me on Windows10 fail.
EDIT: Thr 20200402 - To be worked on see post #2:
http://forum.espruino.com/comments/15186872/Template Literal example post #10 and post #13 is not rendering as such with the
newline stripped and appears like this to me in four separate tests:2v03 (c) 2018 G.Williams Espruino is Open Source. Our work is supported only by sales of official boards and donations: http://espruino.com/Donate > Tutorial PPI - Programmable Peripheral Interconnect for the MDBT42Q Breakout board Single letter command line helper functions ... >dump() function t() { console.log(` Tutorial PPI - Programmable Peripheral Interconnect for the MDBT42Q Breakout board Line 1 Line 2 Single letter command line helper functions ... `); } >process.env ={ VERSION: "2v03", GIT_COMMIT: "e77d74f6", BOARD: "MDBT42Q",
It can be observed from the dump, that the newline char isn't preserved within the function itself, and thus when attempted to then render, doesn't include the blank line as desired.
Not seeing blank lines as in that post #13 suggestion:
Tutorial PPI - Programmable Peripheral Interconnect for the MDBT42Q Breakout board Single letter command line helper functions ...
Tested with both a nRF52 MDBT42Q and can see the newline char is sent:Found a prompt... great! Splitting for reset(), delay 250 BT> Sending "\u0010reset();\n" BT> Sending "\u0010\n\u0010\u001b[26dfunction t()" BT> Sending " {\u001b\n\u001b\nconsole.log(`\n" BT> Sending "Tutorial PPI - Progr" BT> Sending "ammable Peripheral I" BT> Sending "nterconnect\n\n for" BT> Sending " the MDBT42Q Breakou" BT> Sending "t board\n\nLine 1\n\nLin" BT> Sending "e 2\n\n\n\nSingle letter" BT> Sending " command line helper" BT> Sending " functions\n...\n`);\u001b\n" BT> Sending "\u001b\n\u001b\n}\n\u0010\u001b[48dconsole." BT> Sending "log(`\nTutorial PPI -" BT> Sending " Programmable Periph" BT> Sending "eral Interconnect\n\n " BT> Sending " for the MDBT42Q B" BT> Sending "reakout board\n\n\n\n\n\nS" BT> Sending "ingle letter command" BT> Sending " line helper functio" BT> Sending "ns\n...\n`);\n\n"
and on a STM32 Pico with identical results. Also tested with both the native app and the online IDE
No minification
Test using native app Web IDE version 0.70.6
Test using online Web IDE version 0.73.3EDIT: Thr 20200402 - (blank lines) above To be worked on see post #2:
1 Attachment
Post #9:
Sorry, I'm super busy at the moment and I don't have time to go further with this at the moment. Maybe someone else can jump in