Mon 2020.03.16
'The only thing which would have made life a bit nicer'
'I guess there isn't enough space to include everything in Espruino'In all fairness to the analysis;
The Object.values() method is a built in object of the Javascript language.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScriptEspruino is an Interpreter of the JavaScript language.
The reference that may have been used:
is the API for Espruino and not the Javascript language itself.
'having two very young kids'
Congrats are in order. Two future Espruino developers. . . .
@Robin and @allObjects
Right after you gave me your advice I went through a long patch of not having any quality thinking time, due to having two very young kids.
But I came back to it over the weekend, reflected more on what I was doing and got pretty much to where I wanted to get to. Thanks very much for taking the time to reply - it did help. And knowing about dump() is going to be a big help going forward.
For the record, I think that I'd been getting confused by looking at code examples which featured JSON without really clocking that they were JSON. I simplified my data to being an "object of objects", adapted my functions to not rely on indexers and now it works.
The only thing which would have made life a bit nicer is the Object.values() method which I learnt about while reading around. I guess there isn't enough space to include everything in Espruino - shouldn't be greedy :)