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  • I am still waiting for my watch to be delivered and I am already looking at the docs to understand the programming model!

    As far as I understand it, the "apps" one can develop, are pieces of JS code that run when the user taps on their icon. Now, suppose I want to have some background data collection even when the user is outside of my app, how can I allow that? For example, say I would like to log each single step event on a file.

    1) are events, like the step event, handled even if the app has been killed?
    2) what about timers? will they be kept running?
    3) how can I auto-start my app?
    4) would customising the boot app work for my case?

    thanks and congratulations for the great product and idea, I'm a big fan.

  • There are two ways to do this,

    1. First is to create a widget with a tiny UI on the top to indicate it is running
    2. Take any of the clock apps there is an add functionality to the app.

    1 and 2

    If you build an App, you have the option of handling the kill event and saving app state to a file. When you app is restarted you can continue where you left off. You'll need to wire up the event handlers again though.


    If you build a widget I believe it auto starts on load (I haven't built one yet). If you build an app, and it is the only clock app on the watch it will start automatically on load. If you have multiple clock apps, you have the option of specifying which one is your default clock app.


    Should be doable, all the code is out there but I would explore all other options first :-)

    Have a poke at the existing apps in the Bangle Apps repository on Github it is fairly (Espruino) beginner friendly :-)


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