Hi - I've just looked into this, and found it was due to the pin state on the boot mode selection pin of the WiFi board.
I've now made some changes to the firmware which will be in the 2v05 release (when it happens), or are in 'cutting edge' firmwares downloaded from http://www.espruino.com/binaries/travis/master right now.
However, you should be able to get the same effect just by adding A13.read(); to your code.
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Hi - I've just looked into this, and found it was due to the pin state on the boot mode selection pin of the WiFi board.
I've now made some changes to the firmware which will be in the 2v05 release (when it happens), or are in 'cutting edge' firmwares downloaded from http://www.espruino.com/binaries/travis/master right now.
However, you should be able to get the same effect just by adding
to your code.