Ok, just tracked this one down. It's not a bug as such - just not enough memory left to allocate the buffer as one flat string. I've pushed some firmware changes that should fix it.
Out of interest, what clock face are you using? I discovered that if you've got a custom font, it gets left inside the Graphics class even when clear(1) is called - so that's something else that can cause memory issues. I'll get that fixed.
Also crashes emulator and causes Chrome tab to hang
Wow, nasty. Turns out it's the new g.drawEllipse that was added to give nicer edges. It seems not to like small circles - I'll get that one fixed in the next few minutes
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Ok, just tracked this one down. It's not a bug as such - just not enough memory left to allocate the buffer as one flat string. I've pushed some firmware changes that should fix it.
Out of interest, what clock face are you using? I discovered that if you've got a custom font, it gets left inside the Graphics class even when
is called - so that's something else that can cause memory issues. I'll get that fixed.Wow, nasty. Turns out it's the new
that was added to give nicer edges. It seems not to like small circles - I'll get that one fixed in the next few minutes