• wow, that was a long post...

    Being an "old guy" (well, "senior developer" sounds better) with some hardware background more than a decade ago I also had to think about all these details when developing components for car manufacturers...

    But that was long ago. Nowadays, we can do so much with a scripting language, no professional considered seriously when it was invented as "Livescript" by Netscape. Doesn't it feel crazy (in a positive manner), if you compare working directly on an Espruino with a terminal application over BLE with the boards we had 1-2 decades ago (ok, in 2006, I already used VisualC++ and VisualBasic which also were pretty awesome and made me extremely productive)

    But, now, I'm eagerly looking forward towards receiving my developer version of Bangle.js - I've already prepared many more experiments which I have not yet published as they work on a real device only...
