• #2
As always, check you wiring. Loose wire can lead to communication errors. And the DHT22 uses a single wire bit-banged protocol, that's not as robust as for example I2C or SPI.
The DHT22 module does retry up to 10 times by default if can't communicate with the DHT22 or there is a CRC error. With 500ms delay between each retry, worst case that's over your 5000ms interval.
If you have a logic analyzer (even a <10USD one), you can check the communication for retries.
Or if not, you can log the time between the start and end:setInterval(function() { var t0 = new Date this.dht.read((response) => { var t1 = new Date() console.log(response) console.log(process.memory()) console.log('start:', t0, 'end:', t1, 'elapsed:', t1-t0) console.log('_____') }); }, 5000);
And if my theory is right, you will see some corelation in over 5 second communication and memory leak. Then you can either increase the interval to ~10 seconds, or you can pass in a lower retry count.
• #3
I not have analyser...
____ _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| espruino.com 2v04 (c) 2019 G.Williams Espruino is Open Source. Our work is supported only by sales of official boards and donations: http://espruino.com/Donate >WARNING: Scan stop failed WARNING: set rssi scan not implemeted yet ____ _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| espruino.com 2v04 (c) 2019 G.Williams Espruino is Open Source. Our work is supported only by sales of official boards and donations: http://espruino.com/Donate > { "raw": "100000010010101010000000011001100001000111", "rh": 119.4, "temp": 40.8 } { "free": 1872, "usage": 428, "total": 2300, "history": 202, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.99 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:36 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:41 GMT+0000 elapsed: 41829.603 _____ { "raw": "010000001001010110000000001100110100100101", "rh": 59.8, "temp": 20.5 } { "free": 1884, "usage": 416, "total": 2300, "history": 202, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.956 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:41 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:42 GMT+0000 elapsed: 42525.681 _____ { "raw": "010000001001010110000000001100110100100101", "rh": 59.8, "temp": 20.5 } { "free": 1881, "usage": 419, "total": 2300, "history": 202, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.957 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:46 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:46 GMT+0000 elapsed: 46926.537 _____ { "raw": "010000001001010011000000001100110100100010", "rh": 59.5, "temp": 20.5 } { "free": 1877, "usage": 423, "total": 2300, "history": 202, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.958 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:51 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:51 GMT+0000 elapsed: 51926.504 _____ { "raw": "010000001001010011000000001100110100100010", "rh": 59.5, "temp": 20.5 } { "free": 1874, "usage": 426, "total": 2300, "history": 202, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.958 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:56 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:56 GMT+0000 elapsed: 56926.781 _____ { "raw": "010000001001001101000000001100110100011100", "rh": 58.9, "temp": 20.5 } { "free": 1867, "usage": 433, "total": 2300, "history": 202, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.961 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:01 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:02 GMT+0000 elapsed: 62636.94 _____ { "raw": "010000001001011000000000001100110100100111", "rh": 60, "temp": 20.5 } { "free": 1863, "usage": 437, "total": 2300, "history": 202, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.961 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:06 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:06 GMT+0000 elapsed: 66927.156 _____ { "raw": "010000001001010010000000001100110100100001", "rh": 59.4, "temp": 20.5 } { "free": 1860, "usage": 440, "total": 2300, "history": 202, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.962 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:11 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:11 GMT+0000 elapsed: 71928.198 _____ { "raw": "010000001001010100000000001100110100100011", "rh": 59.6, "temp": 20.5 } { "free": 1856, "usage": 444, "total": 2300, "history": 202, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.963 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:16 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:16 GMT+0000 elapsed: 76928.198 _____ { "raw": "010000001001010010000000001100110100100001", "rh": 59.4, "temp": 20.5 } { "free": 1853, "usage": 447, "total": 2300, "history": 202, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.964 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:21 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:21 GMT+0000 elapsed: 81928.796 _____ { "raw": "010000001001010010000000001100110100100001", "rh": 59.4, "temp": 20.5 } { "free": 1849, "usage": 451, "total": 2300, "history": 202, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.965 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:26 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:26 GMT+0000 elapsed: 86928.826 _____ { "raw": "010000001001010011000000001100110100100010", "rh": 59.5, "temp": 20.5 } { "free": 1846, "usage": 454, "total": 2300, "history": 202, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.966 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:31 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:31 GMT+0000 elapsed: 91927.032 _____ { "raw": "010000001001001110000000001100111000011110", "rh": 59, "temp": 20.6 } { "free": 1842, "usage": 458, "total": 2300, "history": 202, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.964 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:36 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:36 GMT+0000 elapsed: 96928.07 _____
• #4
If set >5 sec - return -1 rh.
But if you call the read function two times at once, then the correct true value is returned.How to fix this?..
• #5
Try to add
to your program, and stop it after 3 runs. trace would print the inner state, and provide some information an what's wrong. I'd guess the module would not clean up everything.
If using line 1 doesn't give any hints try line 2, and finally line 3.console.log(global["\xFF"].timers); //print only timers, short info trace(global["\xFF"].timers); //print only timers, full info trace(); //prints full info
• #6
use console.log(global["\xFF"].timers);
I see nothing wrong
____ _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| espruino.com 2v04 (c) 2019 G.Williams Espruino is Open Source. Our work is supported only by sales of official boards and donations: http://espruino.com/Donate > { "err": true, "checksumError": true, "raw": "10000001001000000000000001101000000010010", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 1962, "usage": 338, "total": 2300, "history": 120, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.998 } [ undefined, { "time": 4441824, "interval": 5000000, "callback": function () { this.dht.read((response) => { console.log(response) console.log(process.memory()) console.log(global["\xFF"].timers); console.log('_____') }); } }, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, { "time": 11404, "callback": function () {a.read(c,--d)} }, undefined, { "time": 61235, "callback": function () { a.watch&&(a.watch=clearWatch(a.watch));var e=parseInt(b.substr(2,8),2)+parseInt(b.substr(10,8),2)+parseInt(b.substr(18,8),2)+parseInt(b.substr(26,8),2);e&&(e&255)==parseInt(b.substr(34, 8),2)?c({raw:b,rh:.1*parseInt(b.substr(2,16),2),temp:.2*parseInt(b.substr(19,15),2)*(.5-b[18])}):1<d?setTimeout(function(){a.read(c,--d)},500):c({err:!0,checksumError:0<e,raw:b,temp:-1,rh:-1}) } } ] _____ { "raw": "010000010001111110000000011010000000100011", "rh": 115, "temp": 41.6 } { "free": 1942, "usage": 358, "total": 2300, "history": 120, "gc": 0, "gctime": 2.015 } [ undefined, { "time": 4315877, "interval": 5000000, "callback": function () { this.dht.read((response) => { console.log(response) console.log(process.memory()) console.log(global["\xFF"].timers); console.log('_____') }); } }, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, { "time": 2925, "callback": function () { a.watch&&(a.watch=clearWatch(a.watch));var e=parseInt(b.substr(2,8),2)+parseInt(b.substr(10,8),2)+parseInt(b.substr(18,8),2)+parseInt(b.substr(26,8),2);e&&(e&255)==parseInt(b.substr(34, 8),2)?c({raw:b,rh:.1*parseInt(b.substr(2,16),2),temp:.2*parseInt(b.substr(19,15),2)*(.5-b[18])}):1<d?setTimeout(function(){a.read(c,--d)},500):c({err:!0,checksumError:0<e,raw:b,temp:-1,rh:-1}) } }, undefined, undefined, { "time": 508484, "callback": function () {a.read(c,--d)} } ] _____ { "raw": "010000001001000001000000001101000000010011", "rh": 57.7, "temp": 20.8 } { "free": 1954, "usage": 346, "total": 2300, "history": 120, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.995 } [ undefined, { "time": 3636446, "interval": 5000000, "callback": function () { this.dht.read((response) => { console.log(response) console.log(process.memory()) console.log(global["\xFF"].timers); console.log('_____') }); } }, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, { "time": 42163, "callback": function () { a.watch&&(a.watch=clearWatch(a.watch));var e=parseInt(b.substr(2,8),2)+parseInt(b.substr(10,8),2)+parseInt(b.substr(18,8),2)+parseInt(b.substr(26,8),2);e&&(e&255)==parseInt(b.substr(34, 8),2)?c({raw:b,rh:.1*parseInt(b.substr(2,16),2),temp:.2*parseInt(b.substr(19,15),2)*(.5-b[18])}):1<d?setTimeout(function(){a.read(c,--d)},500):c({err:!0,checksumError:0<e,raw:b,temp:-1,rh:-1}) } } ] _____
• #7
Something is not right,
is the same after the second call, andelapsed
is continuously increasing. Might be some watch / timeout stuck somewhere, the DHT22 library sets timeouts in multiple places...
Try to runreset(1)
, remove power from the board, and run again with 10000 timeout. -
• #8
memory is ok. but rh and temp -1. why?..
____ _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| espruino.com 2v04 (c) 2019 G.Williams Espruino is Open Source. Our work is supported only by sales of official boards and donations: http://espruino.com/Donate > { "err": true, "checksumError": true, "raw": "10000001001010011000000001100100000011101", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 1981, "usage": 319, "total": 2300, "history": 126, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.969 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:15 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:21 GMT+0000 elapsed: 5565.295 _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": true, "raw": "10000001001011011000000001100100000100101", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 1981, "usage": 319, "total": 2300, "history": 126, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.952 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:25 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:31 GMT+0000 elapsed: 5564.528 _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": true, "raw": "10000001001010110000000001100100000100000", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 1981, "usage": 319, "total": 2300, "history": 126, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.949 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:35 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:41 GMT+0000 elapsed: 5549.423 _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": true, "raw": "10000001001010100000000001100100000011110", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 1981, "usage": 319, "total": 2300, "history": 126, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.953 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:45 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:51 GMT+0000 elapsed: 5564.674 _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": true, "raw": "10000001001010011000000001100100100011110", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 1972, "usage": 328, "total": 2300, "history": 126, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.967 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:00:55 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:01 GMT+0000 elapsed: 5570.317 _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": true, "raw": "10000001001010010000000001100100100011101", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 1972, "usage": 328, "total": 2300, "history": 126, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.97 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:05 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:11 GMT+0000 elapsed: 5568.358 _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": true, "raw": "10000001001010000000000001100100100011011", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 1972, "usage": 328, "total": 2300, "history": 126, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.964 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:15 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:21 GMT+0000 elapsed: 5565.552 _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": true, "raw": "10000001001001110000000001100100100011001", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 1972, "usage": 328, "total": 2300, "history": 126, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.963 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:25 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:31 GMT+0000 elapsed: 5576.903 _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": true, "raw": "10000001001001100000000001100100100010111", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 1972, "usage": 328, "total": 2300, "history": 126, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.963 } start: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:35 GMT+0000 end: Date: Thu Jan 1 1970 00:01:41 GMT+0000 elapsed: 5576.975 _____
• #9
Do you have a pullup resistor (4k7 - 10k) between the data and VCC?
IIRC without an external resistor, it didn't work properly with the ESP32, I think it's internal pullup resistor is not strong enough. -
• #10
Ok, did some testing, and can confirm @Linyx's findings with the DHT22:
- MDBT42Q module (2v04) - works flawlessly
- ESP8266 - I have one that's been running for months without issue
- ESP32 (tested with 2v01 and 2v04) - doesn't work.
Checked the communication with a logic analyzer, and the DHT22 sends the right response (temperature and humidity valid, checksum ok). It's just the ESP32 can't pick up the response properly.
Anybody any idea?
- MDBT42Q module (2v04) - works flawlessly
• #11
Hmm, can't test this by myself (no DHT22).
- could you test with a not minified module ?
- could you add console.log(process.memory().free) to setWatch to see wether it happens there ?
- next possible point could be one of the setTimeout
- could you test with a not minified module ?
• #12
This log if call read every 10 secs, setWatch not work:
____ _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| espruino.com 2v04 (c) 2019 G.Williams Espruino is Open Source. Our work is supported only by sales of official boards and donations: http://espruino.com/Donate > { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.905 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.887 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.888 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.888 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.888 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.892 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.888 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.888 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.892 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.888 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.887 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.888 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.892 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.892 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.888 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.892 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.888 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.888 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.884 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.884 } _____ { "err": true, "checksumError": false, "raw": "", "temp": -1, "rh": -1 } { "free": 2028, "usage": 272, "total": 2300, "history": 141, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.887 } _____ >
• #13
this log when call
this.dht.read(function (a) {});
this.dht.read(function (a) {});0 { "free": 1984, "usage": 316, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.916 } 0 { "free": 1984, "usage": 316, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.864 } 00 { "free": 1984, "usage": 316, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.88 } 00 { "free": 1984, "usage": 316, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.864 } 000 { "free": 1984, "usage": 316, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.876 } 000 { "free": 1984, "usage": 316, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.859 } 0000 { "free": 1984, "usage": 316, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.88 } 0000 { "free": 1984, "usage": 316, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.864 } 00000 { "free": 1984, "usage": 316, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.88 } 00000 { "free": 1984, "usage": 316, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.865 } 000000 { "free": 1984, "usage": 316, "total": 2300, 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000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 { "free": 1930, "usage": 370, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.963 } 00000000000000000000000001101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 { "free": 1929, "usage": 371, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.963 } 00000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 { "free": 1929, "usage": 371, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.966 } 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 { "free": 1929, "usage": 371, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.965 } 000000000000000000000000011011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 { "free": 1929, "usage": 371, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.975 } 000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 { "free": 1929, "usage": 371, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.963 } 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 { "free": 1929, "usage": 371, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.964 } 0000000000000000000000000110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 { "free": 1929, "usage": 371, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.963 } 0000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 { "free": 1929, "usage": 371, "total": 2300, "history": 114, "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.965 } 000
• #14
d length >600 symbols and memory low
• #15
Could you add ESP32.getState, to see how heap goes
• #16
all time
{ "sdkVersion": "v3.1.3-dirty", "freeHeap": 35712, "BLE": true, "Wifi": true, "minHeap": 33112 }
• #17
So, heap runs fine.
I'm pretty sure, disabling BLE or Wifi doesn't change anything, true ? -
• #18
anyway -1 rh...
• #19
Issue https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/issues/1687 was created by ApocalypseLinyx
• #20
Ok, time to bring the toys back.
With this test I have set a LED to pin, active low.First test.
function tt () { ht = {}; //ht.pin = D0; // esp8266 ht.pin = D12; // esp32 pico4 setInterval (function () { var d = ""; ta = getTime (); tb = 0; pinMode (ht.pin, 'opendrain'); ht.watch = setWatch (function (t) { d = 0 + | (t.time-t.lastTime> 0.000050); // 50 usec (time in sec) }, ht.pin, {edge: 'falling', repeat: true}); //pinMode(ht.pin, 'opendrain'); setTimeout (function () { pinMode (ht.pin, 'input_pullup'); tb = getTime (); console.log (tb-ta); }, 1000); setTimeout (function () { Clear watch (ht.watch); console.log ('d =' + d); console.log (process.memory ()); }, 200); }, 3000); } TT ();
It only gives me short pulses, and not for 1 second, as expected.
If I remove clearWatch (ht.watch), I get a short pulse, then full pulse length and it uses all the memory.On esp8266 there are no problems.
Next test.
function tt () { ht = {}; //ht.pin = D0; // esp8266 ht.pin = D12; // esp32 pico4 setInterval (function () { var d = ""; ta = getTime (); tb = 0; //pinMode(ht.pin, 'opendrain'); ht.watch = setWatch (function (t) { d = 0 + | (t.time-t.lastTime> 0.000050); // 50 usec (time in sec) }, ht.pin, {edge: 'falling', repeat: true}); pinMode (ht.pin, 'opendrain'); setTimeout (function () { pinMode (ht.pin, 'input_pullup'); tb = getTime (); console.log (tb-ta); }, 1000); setTimeout (function () { Clear watch (ht.watch); console.log ('d =' + d); console.log (process.memory ()); }, 200); }, 3000); } TT ();
Here pinMode has been moved to after set_Watch and I can determine pulse length on LED.
Also works on esp8266.And now for a workaround, so it works on both esp8266 and esp32 pico4 as I have.
Hope this is something you can use?
// testWatch02 function DHT22 (pin) { this.pin = pin; } DHT22.prototype.read = function (cb, n) { if (! n) n = 10; var d = ""; var ht = this; // start watching for state change ht.watch = setWatch (function (t) { d = 0 + | (t.time-t.lastTime> 0.00005); }, ht.pin, {edge: 'falling', repeat: true}); pinMode (ht.pin, 'opendrain'); // PB obs It sets the output low immediately // raise pulse after 10ms setTimeout (function () {pinMode (ht.pin, 'input_pullup'); pinMode (ht.pin);}, 10); // stop looking after 100ms setTimeout (function () { if (ht.watch) {ht.watch = clearWatch (ht.watch); } d = d.substr (1); // PB you are a genius var cks = parseInt (d.substr (2.8) 2) + parseInt (d.substr (10.8), 2) + parseInt (d.substr (18.8), 2) + parseInt (d.substr (26.8), 2); if (cks && (((cks & 0xFF) == parseInt (d.substr (34.8), 2))) { cb ({ raw: d, rh: parseInt (d.substr (2.16), 2) * 0.1, temp: parseInt (d.substr. (19.15), 2) * 0.2 * (0.5-d [18]) }); } else { if (n> 1) setTimeout (function () {ht.read (cb, - n);}, 500); // else cb ({err: true, checksumError: cks> 0, raw: d, temp: -1, rh: -1}); else cb ({err: true, checksumError: cks> 0, raw: d, temp: -1, rh: -1, n: n}); } }, 100); }; DHT22.prototype.getName = function () { return 'Frida'; }; / * exports.connect = function (pin) { return new DHT22 (pin); }; * / function dd () { esp = 0; if (esp) { pin = D0; // esp8266 // esp8266 version 2v00.68 (c) 2018 G.Williams var ESP8266 = require ('ESP8266'); ESP8266.setCPUFreq (80); console.log (ESP8266.getState ()); } else { pin = D12; // esp32 pico4 // esp32 pico4 version 2v02 (c) 2018 G.Williams console.log (ESP32.getState ()); } // var dht = require ("DHT22a"). connect (pin); var dht = new DHT22 (pin); console.log (dht.getName ()); setInterval (function () { dht.read (function (a) { console.log ("Temp is" + a.temp.toFixed (1) .toString () + ", RH is" + a.rh.toFixed (1) .toString () + "\ Nraw:" + a.raw + "\ nn:" + a.n + "\ Nerr:" + a.err + ", cse:" + a.checksumError);}, 1); setTimeout (function () { console.log ("E-Flags: [" + E.getErrorFlags () + "] \ n \ n");}, 1000); }, 3000); } dd (); // save ();
And some outputs.
Temp is 35.1, RH is 92.3 raw:010000001110011011000000010101111111111110 n: undefined err:undefined, cse:undefined E-Flags: [] Temp is 35.1, RH is 92.4 raw:010000001110011100000000010101111111111111 n: undefined err:undefined, cse:undefined E-Flags: [] Temp is 35.1, RH is 92.5 raw:010000001110011101000000010101111100000000 n: undefined err:undefined, cse:undefined E-Flags: [] Temp is 35.1, RH is 92.6 raw:010000001110011110000000010101111100000001 n: undefined err:undefined, cse:undefined E-Flags: [] Temp is 35.1, RH is 92.7 raw:010000001110011111000000010101111100000010 n: undefined err:undefined, cse:undefined E-Flags: [] Temp is 35.1, RH is 92.8 raw:010000001110100000000000010101111100000011 n: undefined err:undefined, cse:undefined E-Flags: [] Temp is 35.1, RH is 92.9 raw:010000001110100001000000010101111100000100 n: undefined err:undefined, cse:undefined E-Flags: [] Temp is 35.1, RH is 93.0 raw:010000001110100010000000010101111100000101 n: undefined err:undefined, cse:undefined E-Flags: [] Temp is 35.1, RH is 93.1 raw:010000001110100011000000010101111100000110 n: undefined err:undefined, cse:undefined E-Flags: [] Temp is 35.1, RH is 93.2 raw:010000001110100100000000010101111100000111 n: undefined err:undefined, cse:undefined E-Flags: []
Happy coding.
• #21
What changed from #1 (good temperature readings) to #8 (checksum error)? The length of the raw output changed by one bit. What did you change?
The code in #20 looks non-functional, e.g.
parseInt (d.substr (2.8) 2) +
can't work.I copied in the module as reference, with some notes:
/* Copyright (C) 2014 Spence Konde. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. */ /* This module interfaces with a DHT22 temperature and relative humidity sensor. Usage (any GPIO pin can be used): var dht = require("DHT22").connect(C11); dht.read(function (a) {console.log("Temp is "+a.temp.toString()+" and RH is "+a.rh.toString());}); the return value if no data received: {"temp": -1, "rh": -1, err:true, "checksumError": false} the return value, if some data is received, but the checksum is invalid: {"temp": -1, "rh": -1, err:true, "checksumError": true} */ function DHT22(pin) { this.pin = pin; } DHT22.prototype.read = function (cb, n) { if (!n) n=10; var d = ""; var ht = this; digitalWrite(ht.pin, 0); pinMode(ht.pin,"output"); // force pin state to output // start watching for state change this.watch = setWatch(function(t) { d+=0|(t.time-t.lastTime>0.00005); }, ht.pin, {edge:'falling',repeat:true} ); // raise pulse after 1ms setTimeout(function() {pinMode(ht.pin,'input_pullup');pinMode(ht.pin);},1); // stop looking after 50ms setTimeout(function() { if(ht.watch){ ht.watch = clearWatch(ht.watch); } var cks = parseInt(d.substr(2,8),2)+ parseInt(d.substr(10,8),2)+ parseInt(d.substr(18,8),2)+ parseInt(d.substr(26,8),2); if (cks&&((cks&0xFF)==parseInt(d.substr(34,8),2))) { cb({ raw : d, rh : parseInt(d.substr(2,16),2)*0.1, temp : parseInt(d.substr(19,15),2)*0.2*(0.5-d[18]) }); } else { if (n>1) setTimeout(function() {ht.read(cb,--n);},500); else cb({err:true, checksumError:cks>0, raw:d, temp:-1, rh:-1}); } }, 50); }; exports.connect = function(pin) { return new DHT22(pin); };
From my point of view line 22 is not necessary, or if it is lines 21 and 22 should be swapped.
Line 23 could read// read d based on signal change interval
Lines 27 and 28 could be moved to the end and then rewritten. Since the lines will be only executed once everything is set up there's no need to use a setTimer in this case:
//trigger data transmission pinMode(ht.pin,'input_pullup'); pinMode(ht.pin);
Line 29 could read
// parse the received data d (50ms length)
Line 31 could be changed toclearWatch(ht.watch);
, usingif
is not necessary.
And I'd change line 1 toif (!n) n=1;
because one try should be enough if nothing else was specified.And if your raw data is too long, capturing also the trigger you can add
d = d.substr (1); //remove trigger signal
to the code. I don't have this sensor, so I can't try.
Hi. I'm use esp32-wroom-32 and DHT22 sensor with DHT22.js script.
I call the read function every 5 seconds and every time I get less and less memory, the log below as it was at the beginning of work was 1917, and after a while it was already 1887 and so on until there is an error.
What my problem?
My code:
My logs: