It'll be because SPI outputs most significant bit first. It'd be easy enough to change updateDisplay to flip that around.
I'd also consider replacing currentRow with 1<<counter (or 128>>counter if it's backwards). You can then remove the currentRow variable.
I don't think you'll get much extra by decreasing setInterval past 1 - in fact if you're telling it to go faster than it wants to, it might adversely impact rendering of other stuff.
The hardware's a bit of a strange setup to be honest. It feels like a MAX7219 would have been way better (and would have only required a single chip to be soldered).
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
It'll be because SPI outputs most significant bit first. It'd be easy enough to change
to flip that around.I'd also consider replacing
if it's backwards). You can then remove the currentRow variable.I don't think you'll get much extra by decreasing
past 1 - in fact if you're telling it to go faster than it wants to, it might adversely impact rendering of other stuff.The hardware's a bit of a strange setup to be honest. It feels like a MAX7219 would have been way better (and would have only required a single chip to be soldered).