• #2
Interesting... of course annoying for you...
What about the power supply? Unstable power supply can cause reboot.
Browsing the Web bubbled this 6+ months old thing up: https://gitlab.com/painlessMesh/painlessMesh/issues/221
It's not core 0 but core 1 and it's not Espruino but Arduino... nevertheless it is a thought worth. @JumJum has done quite some work on ESP32 and things may ring a bell for him...
• #3
Did you turn off bluetooth? It frees up some resources on that version particularly.
• #4
I tried v1.98 which works fine and v2.0 and up work although there is an issue with the WiFi module saying
ERROR: Wifi: event_handler STA_START: esp_wifi_connect: 12298(SSID is invalid) WARNING: Wifi:startMDNS - espressif
Although the connection is in fact successful
I'm using v1.98 for now because it doesn't crash on requests and doesn't have this WiFi issue.
• #5
How do you use that? I get an error.
• #6
It showed up only recently, but probably is in 1v99 for sure:
ESP32.enableBLE ⇒ Call type: ESP32.enableBLE(enable) Parameters enable - switches Bluetooth on or off Description Switches Bluetooth off/on, removes saved code from Flash, resets the board, and on restart creates jsVars depending on available heap (actual additional 1800) Note: This is only available in devices with Bluetooth LE capability
• #7
Tue 2019.07.16
Gordon wrote this nifty trick on how to check an addition in a different post a while back. If one clicks on the right facing arrow, adjacent to the heading ESP32.enableBLE at:
which hyperlinks to the GitHub source, L123
That file edit date is 46eceda on Jun 8, 2018
Now if I could only find the chronological running edit detail for versioning . . .
EDIT: Ahhhh . . . here it is:
1V99 was on on May 22, 2018
Not definitive, as I'm not sure if one can fetch data on older releases to determine the actual inclusion date, short of d/l the referenced .zip and doing a lookup that way, or running through each pull request.
Running Espruino 1v99.175 on an ESP32
This is the same result when I try any of the simple HTTP request examples on the site.