Hey Gordon,
The watch went for five days until I implemented the music control function. Then it died in about 10 minutes. I'm estimating the actual battery life is about a week, assuming I check the time about five times an hour. My firmware version is 2.03, which I believe is the newest.
Also, the battery was completely drained very shortly after the LEDs went dim. Usually I can guess a few culprits for my electronics issues but for this one I'm completely blank.
What is your firmware version? Older firmwares definitely did draw more power when connected - but new ones enter a low power mode after a minute of inactivity which isn't much worse than when disconnected.
CR1255 is only 48mAh (CR2032s like in the Puck are ~220mAh) so with the LEDs (which might draw 50mA when all on) you're going to flatten the battery pretty quick even with just the LEDs. How long does the battery last without the Bluetooth connection?
What's the voltage on the cell? Blue LEDs take a reasonably high voltage to turn on, so chances are the cell voltage is too low to light the LEDs, but high enough to power the chip still.
However with those lithium batteries once the voltage starts to go down your battery is already 80% flat.
Yes, they do.