It appears we were updating at the same time. . . .
Good catch @AkosLukacs!
I had been playing with that as I kept getting WebIDE syntax errors R-Hand editor side, and wondered, as no one had success in either of the other forum links if one or the other was a typo.
But, with a bit of fiddling,
var rfm = require("RFM69").connect(SPI1, {cs:NodeMCU.D8, rst:NodeMCU.D0, freq:915}, function() { console.log("Connected"); }); print(rfm);
'cs' and 'rst' are now recognized.
>SPI: { "_options": { "sck": D14, "miso": D12, "mosi": D13 } } Uncaught Error: RFM69 not found at line 1 col 58 ...row Error("RFM69 not found");b.w(47,85);if(85!=b.r(47))throw... ^ in function called from system { "spi": SPI: { "_options": { "sck": D14, "miso": D12, "mosi": D13 } }, "cs": D15, "rst": D16, "freq": 915 } >
The "RFM69 not found" error seems to be from ~L080:
The part I'm still struggling with is that in order to get a correct syntax check, I need to use
the NodeMCU.Dx format, I seem to get errors, as it might just be that those GPIO pin designations just don't exist for the D1 mini. Is it ESP8266, ESP32, RFM69, or Espruino under the hood?Still searching for the Git source that might explain the NodeMCU.Dx mapping to see if limitations exist there.
Still searching for the Git source that might explain the NodeMCU.Dx mapping to see if limitations exist there.
Looks like the RMF96 and SX12xx modules have different parameters. The RFM69's connect's first parameter should be the SPI object, not an object with an