Ubuntu chromium and web ide

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  • Good evening,
    Im able to connect to device using gatttool command

    root@macronetmonk:/var/log# gatttool -t random -b FA:EE:05:A7:C7:34 -I
    [FA:EE:05:A7:C7:34][LE]> connect Attempting to connect to
    FA:EE:05:A7:C7:34 Connection successful
    [FA:EE:05:A7:C7:34][LE]> help

    But im unable to connect to it using web ide app from chromium, the device is not appearing when i try to connect.
    It works very well from the same computer station, when im using windows10, i succed to connect and dev with windows chrome. But when i switch back to ubuntu (latest version 19.*) not possible to connect.

    anybody had faced this issue before, and how did you solved it ?

  • After activating bluetooth in chrome with enabling this switch :
    i face a new issue :

    serviceworker> active
    Handling URL "https://www.espruino.com/ide/"
    Couldn't connect to wss://localhost:31234 - disabling websockets for this session
    ERROR: serial_frame: getPorts timeout, disabling
    ERROR: getURL("/serial/ports") error : Not Found
    /serial/ports doesn't exist - disabling WebSocket support
    >>> Connecting...
    Set Slow Write = true
    BT> ERROR: NotFoundError: Bluetooth adapter not available.
    ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed.
    >>> Connection Failed.
  • That's odd - once you've enabled chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-­platform-features it'll usually 'just work' (http://www.espruino.com/Quick+Start+BLE#linux)

    Have you tried just restarting the whole system and seeing if that's any better?

    I use Linux for all my work, and occasionally I do get a Bluetooth adapter not available. and can fix it just by restarting the bluetooth stack with sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart

    What's your bluetoothd version? bluetoothd --version

    And also what's the version of Chromium? Sometimes the builds are a long way behind the Chrome builds, so you could try installing Chrome and seeing if that's any better.

  • plonky@macronetmonk:~$ bluetoothd --version
    plonky@macronetmonk:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart
    [sudo] password for plonky: 
    [ ok ] Restarting bluetooth (via systemctl): bluetooth.service.
    plonky@macronetmonk:~$ chromium --version
    Chromium 74.0.3729.108 snap

    Still getting the error :

    serviceworker> active
    Handling URL "https://www.espruino.com/ide/"
    Couldn't connect to wss://localhost:31234 - disabling websockets for this session
    ERROR: serial_frame: getPorts timeout, disabling
    ERROR: getURL("/serial/ports") error : Not Found
    /serial/ports doesn't exist - disabling WebSocket support
    >>> Connecting...
    Set Slow Write = true
    BT> ERROR: NotFoundError: Bluetooth adapter not available.
    ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed.
    >>> Connection Failed.
    >>> Connecting...
    Set Slow Write = true
    BT> ERROR: NotFoundError: Bluetooth adapter not available.
    ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed.
    >>> Connection Failed.
  • You don't have to worry about the serial_frame and /serial/ports errors, but yeah, BT> ERROR: NotFoundError: Bluetooth adapter not available. is your issue.

    Chromium looks up to date too. So do you see the Web Bluetooth menu item? Just nothing happens when you click it? Or do you get some other error/warning.

    Googling it, it might be that the bluetooth adaptor is turned off in Bluetooth settings? Worth a check - I don't know whether gatttool might have been able to overwrite the settings since you were running it as root.

    I know you tried gatttool but please can you just see if sudo hcitool lescan is able to list devices?

  • plonky@macronetmonk:~$ sudo hcitool lescan
    [sudo] password for plonky: 
    LE Scan ...
    FA:EE:05:A7:C7:34 Pixl.js c734
    FA:EE:05:A7:C7:34 (unknown)
    F0:AB:54:4B:3F:8C TNT_BW  
    F0:AB:54:4B:3F:8C (unknown)
  • That's properly strange then - hcitool looks like it's working great.

    I'm not sure what to suggest - I guess it could be some kind of permissions issue? You could try adding an external USB BLE dongle and see if that helps at all.

    A workaround would be to install the Espruino command-line tools:

    • install Node.js 8 (not 10 - 'noble' Bluetooth LE is still broken in that)
    • npm install espruino
    • espruino -d Pixl --ide 8080 to connect to the first Pixl.js device that's found
    • Go to http://localhost:8080/ in the browser to get the IDE

    This is 100% a Web Bluetooth/Chrome issue though (rather than being specific to the Espruino IDE), so perhaps the Chrome devs would have some ideas about it.

    I'm on Mint 19.1 (which is basically Ubuntu 18.04) and it works fine on 2 separate devices. I'd have thought that I'd have heard more from people if it was broken for everyone in Ubuntu 19 though.

  • Good monring Gordon,

    I will receive an external dongle by end of week to make more test.
    I will also try the NPM way you suggest and keep you informed. :)

    Thank you so much for your answers.

  • Well well well,
    Not good.
    As far as i can see:

    plonky@macronetmonk:~/node_modules/espruino/bin$ ./espruino-cli.js --list
    Espruino Command-line Tool 0.1.27

    No port listed.
    I can still connect using gatttool, but using a random address on computer side.
    If i use a public address, it doesn't work at all:

    plonky@macronetmonk:~/node_modules/espruino/bin$ gatttool -t random -b FA:EE:05:A7:C7:34 -I
    [FA:EE:05:A7:C7:34][LE]> connect
    Attempting to connect to FA:EE:05:A7:C7:34
    Connection successful
    Notification handle = 0x000d value: 3c 2d 20 54 65 72 6d 69 6e 61 6c 0d 0a 3e 
    (gatttool:18294): GLib-WARNING **: 17:06:47.993: Invalid file descriptor.
    plonky@macronetmonk:~/node_modules/espruino/bin$ man gatttool
    plonky@macronetmonk:~/node_modules/espruino/bin$ gatttool -t public -b FA:EE:05:A7:C7:34 -I
    [FA:EE:05:A7:C7:34][LE]> connect
    Attempting to connect to FA:EE:05:A7:C7:34
  • Ahh - https://www.npmjs.com/package/espruino might be handy.

    Check that which node returns something, and then do:

    sudo setcap cap_net_raw+eip $(eval readlink -f `which node`)

    That gives Node.js the permissions to access Bluetooth without running as a superuser.

    Can you also try ./espruino-cli.js --list --verbose and see if it shows any errors?

    Might be that somehow NPM hasn't installed the relevant Bluetooth stuff (and sorry, I should have mentioned you can do npm install espruino -g to install it globally so you don't have to manually execute the JS file.

  • plonky@macronetmonk:~/node_modules/espruino/bin$ sudo setcap cap_net_raw+eip $(eval readlink -f `which node`)
    [sudo] password for plonky: 
    plonky@macronetmonk:~/node_modules/espruino/bin$ ./espruino-cli.js --list
    Espruino Command-line Tool 0.1.27
      fa:ee:05:a7:c7:34 (Pixl.js c734)
    plonky@macronetmonk:~/node_modules/espruino/bin$ ./espruino-cli.js --list --verbose
    Espruino Command-line Tool 0.1.27
    Acorn library not found - you'll need it for compiled code
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/libs/targz.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/libs/utf8.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/espruino.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/codeWriter.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/config.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/env.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/flasher.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/modules.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/notifications.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/serial.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/serial_chrome_serial.js
    No chrome.serial - Chrome Serial disabled
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/serial_chrome_socket.js
    No chrome.sockets - Chrome Socket disabled
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/serial_frame.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/serial_noble.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/serial_node_serial.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/serial_node_socket.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/serial_web_audio.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/serial_web_bluetooth.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/serial_websocket_local.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/serial_websocket_relay.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/serial_winnus.js
    Not on Windows, Winnus not needed
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/terminal.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/core/utils.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/plugins/assembler.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/plugins/boardJSON.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/plugins/compiler.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/plugins/getGitHub.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/plugins/localModules.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/plugins/minify.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/plugins/saveOnSend.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/plugins/setTime.js
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/plugins/unicode.js
    Loading UTF8 with require
    Found /home/plonky/node_modules/espruino/plugins/versionChecker.js
    Initialising CodeWriter
    Initialising Config
    Initialising Env
    Initialising Flasher
    Initialising Modules
    Initialising Notifications
    Initialising Serial
      - Initialising Serial Noble Bluetooth LE
      - Initialising Serial Node Serial
      - Initialising Serial Node Socket
      - Initialising Serial Web Bluetooth
    Initialising Utils
    Initialising Status
    Initialising Assembler
    Initialising BoardJSON
    Initialising Compiler
    Initialising GetGitHub
    Initialising LocalModules
    Initialising Minify
    Initialising SaveOnSend
    Initialising SetTime
    Initialising Unicode
    Initialising VersionChecker
    Initialising CoreModules
    Searching for serial ports...
    Noble: getPorts - not initialised
    No navigator.bluetooth - Web Bluetooth not enabled
    Noble: stateChange -> poweredOn
    Noble: Disable Web Bluetooth as we have Noble instead
    Noble: Starting scan
    Noble: Found UART device: Pixl.js c734 fa:ee:05:a7:c7:34
    Noble: Found device: TNT_BW   f0:ab:54:4b:3f:8c
    Noble: Found device: TNT_BW   f0:ab:54:4b:3f:8c
      fa:ee:05:a7:c7:34 (Pixl.js c734)

    looks better ! :)

  • And there we go :

    plonky@macronetmonk:~/node_modules/espruino/bin$ ./espruino-cli.js -d Pixl --ide 8080
    Espruino Command-line Tool 0.1.27
    Searching for device named "Pixl"
    Found "Pixl.js c734" ("fa:ee:05:a7:c7:34")
    Connecting to 'fa:ee:05:a7:c7:34'
    Web IDE is now available on http://localhost:8080
    Web IDE Connection accepted.
    >< << {"VERSION":"2v01","GIT_COMMIT":"748a4d3","BOARD":"PIXLJS","FLASH":524288,"RAM":65536,"SERIAL":"1e21d7bf-3480018d","CONSOLE":"Bluetooth","MODULES":"Flash,Storage,heatshrink,fs,net,dgram,http,NetworkJS,WIZnet,crypto,neopixel,graphical_menu","EXPTR":536882356} >> >
  • thank you @Gordon :)

  • That's great! Glad you got something working!

    I'd still be interested to know why it doesn't work for you with Chrome though, if you ever find it out.

  • Well, i try using my little laptop, still on ubuntu 19.04, and while i didnt face same issue, i still encounter new one :

    Loaded code from storage.
    Handling URL "https://www.espruino.com/ide/"
    Couldn't connect to wss://localhost:31234 - disabling websockets for this session
    ERROR: getURL("/serial/ports") error : Not Found
    /serial/ports doesn't exist - disabling WebSocket support
    ERROR: serial_frame: getPorts timeout, disabling
    >>> Connecting...
    Set Slow Write = true
    serviceworker> active
    BT> ERROR: NotFoundError: User cancelled the requestDevice() chooser.
    ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed.
    >>> Connection Failed.
    >>> Connecting...
    Set Slow Write = true
    >>> Connecting to Pixl.js c734
    BT>  Device Name:       Pixl.js c734
    BT>  Device ID:         MckzoCJ/zg3Wdi0vtHM5mg==
    BT> ERROR: NetworkError: Connection failed for unknown reason.
    ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed.
    >>> Connection Failed.
  • I added -E to bluetoothd command to enable experimental mode:

    Loaded code from storage.
    serviceworker> active
    Handling URL "https://www.espruino.com/ide/"
    Couldn't connect to wss://localhost:31234 - disabling websockets for this session
    ERROR: getURL("/serial/ports") error : Not Found
    /serial/ports doesn't exist - disabling WebSocket support
    ERROR: serial_frame: getPorts timeout, disabling
    >>> Connecting...
    Set Slow Write = true
    >>> Connecting to Pixl.js c734
    BT>  Device Name:       Pixl.js c734
    BT>  Device ID:         MckzoCJ/zg3Wdi0vtHM5mg==
    >>> Connected to BLE
    BT> Connected
    BT> Disconnected (gattserverdisconnected)
    ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed.
    >>> Connection Failed.
    BT> ERROR: NetworkError: GATT Server is disconnected. Cannot retrieve services. (Re)connect first with `device.gatt.connect`.
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Ubuntu chromium and web ide

Posted by Avatar for netmonk @netmonk
