Well, it all sounds reasonably positive - you've obviously got two-way comms with the ESP8266 so we can pretty much rule hardware out.
Please could you post your code up and I'll take a look? All I can think is maybe even if you're connected to a WiFi access point the DHCP may not have worked for some reason so there's no way to actually connect to the net.
You could also try doing the GET with a simple IP address and see if that helps?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Well, it all sounds reasonably positive - you've obviously got two-way comms with the ESP8266 so we can pretty much rule hardware out.
Please could you post your code up and I'll take a look? All I can think is maybe even if you're connected to a WiFi access point the DHCP may not have worked for some reason so there's no way to actually connect to the net.
You could also try doing the GET with a simple IP address and see if that helps?