There's nothing specific built in, but it's trivial to do it by sending the JS code to write a file over the console interface.
Assuming you want to use the built-in Storage library (because that's easy and doesn't require an SD card - which you couldn't add on the RAK8211 anyway as you don't have enough free pins):
In your app, load the file, and convert it to base64 (btoa in JavaScript) and then send the following text over the bluetooth UART: "\x03\x10require('Storage').write('filename',atob('your_base64_encoded_data'))\n`
That'd be trivial to make as a Web Bluetooth page, and we had been considering providing that as a tool - but there is currently no existing app or standard that will just transfer a file over Bluetooth
and one of the arguments is a source path.
I don't understand I'm afraid - could you point me to the function/code you mean?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
There's nothing specific built in, but it's trivial to do it by sending the JS code to write a file over the console interface.
Assuming you want to use the built-in
library (because that's easy and doesn't require an SD card - which you couldn't add on the RAK8211 anyway as you don't have enough free pins):In your app, load the file, and convert it to base64 (
in JavaScript) and then send the following text over the bluetooth UART: "\x03\x10require('Storage').write('filename',atob('your_base64_encoded_data'))\n`That'd be trivial to make as a Web Bluetooth page, and we had been considering providing that as a tool - but there is currently no existing app or standard that will just transfer a file over Bluetooth
I don't understand I'm afraid - could you point me to the function/code you mean?