Any two pins should work. That'll compare the internal RC oscillator with the high speed oscillator. I just tried on one running 2v01 and it returns numbers roughly around 1.01, so that's 1% off. In a minute you might expect half a second.
One fix is definitely to add an external oscillator. I guess the other is a firmware change to ignore the RC oscillator completely, but that would then mean deep sleep doesn't work. Would that be an issue for you?
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Wow, that's really far off. Do you have more than one Pico and they both experience the same issue?
Can you try shorting B3 and B4 and:
Any two pins should work. That'll compare the internal RC oscillator with the high speed oscillator. I just tried on one running 2v01 and it returns numbers roughly around 1.01, so that's 1% off. In a minute you might expect half a second.
One fix is definitely to add an external oscillator. I guess the other is a firmware change to ignore the RC oscillator completely, but that would then mean deep sleep doesn't work. Would that be an issue for you?