Just get it, connect it and send the Neopixel signals - then see how long the signals actually are compared to what you want and divide the numbers accordingly.
To use jshDelayMicroseconds for smaller numbers you'd have to make your own function for sending that used JSH_DELAY_MULTIPLIER and precalculated the numbers to count from for PATTERN_PULSE_Txx - but again it's not guaranteed.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I'm afraid that without an oscilloscope or Logic Analyser you're going to find this pretty much impossible - you're just stabbing around in the dark. At £15 something like this would be well worth the investment: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hobby-Components-24MHz-Analyser-1-1-16/dp/B00DAYAREW
Just get it, connect it and send the Neopixel signals - then see how long the signals actually are compared to what you want and divide the numbers accordingly.
To use
for smaller numbers you'd have to make your own function for sending that used JSH_DELAY_MULTIPLIER and precalculated the numbers to count from forPATTERN_PULSE_Txx
- but again it's not guaranteed.