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  • Nice - it's great that the testpoints are so easy to get at.

    I'd just try writing an existing Expruino MDBT42Q hex file to it and see if you have any luck.

    I guess it may be easier/faster to scan and test various buses and hw attached to it interactively

    Yes, at least that's what I found.

    There's a good chance the OLED on there is - so you could play around with different pins to see if you have any luck.

    Personally I'd say: take a nice sharp photo of the PCB, ideally from both sides. You can then start marking it up and trying to figure out where all the wires go since it's probably just a 2-sided board - there will only be a few wires to the OLED and they'll probably go direct, so they should be pretty easy to figure out.

    There are actually a huge variety of nRF52 watches around at the moment... I bought one of these to take a look at:

    It just unscrews, there's an nRF52 and a GPS chip as well! It is a bit chunky though.

  • I'd just try writing an existing Expruino MDBT42Q hex file to it and see if you have any luck.

    This will probably overwrite soft device and bootloader?
    At first I wanted to only rewrite user app space as I don't understand yet how the boot loader + soft device + app works regarding reset vectors and startup and link dependencies. Curent bootloader does OTA update over BLE so I guess it is dependent on 2.0 soft device? so I should either overwrite just the app or everything including bootloader? And then I also need to modify UICR vectors so it boots properly after power up if the bootloader start at different address? Can I link espruino to SD 132 2.0 (id 0x81) or is is just too old? According to table here it means I need to link SDK 11. Can I update just soft device from 2.0.0 to latest 2.x which is 2.0.1 (id 0x88) and will existing bootloader still work? You see it is just too many questions so I'd better start just with reflashing the user app :-) I think I do have backup of whole flash so most probably nothing can go wrong and I can revert everything back but I'd still try in smaller steps if possible.


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