In an ideal world I'd be able to make the Telnet service low-level enough that it could survive a reset. It's on my Todo list for Espruino WiFi, but it's not straightforward!
I think the easiest option is just to make reset do something different on Espruino:
It would actually be possible to check process.env.CONSOLE=="LoopbackB" inside reset and to avoid doing a reset only in the cases where code was uploaded over WiFi.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
In an ideal world I'd be able to make the Telnet service low-level enough that it could survive a reset. It's on my Todo list for Espruino WiFi, but it's not straightforward!
I think the easiest option is just to make
do something different on Espruino:Just to post up the complete code that I have (in case it's useful for anyone):
It would actually be possible to check
and to avoid doing a reset only in the cases where code was uploaded over WiFi.