I think the likelihood of this ending up as part of Espruino is very low unless Olimex got involved in the software - it's not anything on the ESP32 itself, so any work done would be specific to Olimex's one board with the PIC microcontroller on it - and there's really no reason for me to spend time working on that for free.
Of course it might be that Olimex has some nice API for turning the PIC into USB HID, in which case you could probably implement the relevant things you want in JavaScript pretty easily
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I think the likelihood of this ending up as part of Espruino is very low unless Olimex got involved in the software - it's not anything on the ESP32 itself, so any work done would be specific to Olimex's one board with the PIC microcontroller on it - and there's really no reason for me to spend time working on that for free.
Of course it might be that Olimex has some nice API for turning the PIC into USB HID, in which case you could probably implement the relevant things you want in JavaScript pretty easily