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  • Finally got my 433s to not sit around anymore... but for a different project I'm looking into. A real project in the field - literally: sensors in fields around a agriculture utility building/ installation. The sensors are up to 500 feet away from a central node sitting on top of the utility building.

    First thing is to get some hands-on with the wireless communication - in two parts:

    1. suitable antennas: 1/4 L ground planes for the transmitters and Slim Jim / J-pole for the receiver. None of them are directional. I may end up with directional ones for the transmitters.
    2. Explore software options to validate distance - first within 10s of feet - using simple (tuned) wire antennas.

    Latter was so far doomed... I used the 433 Espruino modules but I got nothing across... with vaious pairs (3)... so I looked into what the receiver actually puts out... and from some base analysis I may get a few bps going... like: blink - on/off - the transmitter and see the same LED on/off pattern on the receiver side. I used 2 PICOS, transmitter on 5V USB for one models, 3.3V on the other models. With first model I could go up to 12V.

    The disheartening experience already over short distance made me quickly forget the 433 ASK/OOK modulation and go for something real, like LoRa... Sure, I could pour over the various code options and use dedicated hardware on the receiver side... may be that I should be glad for the early failure...

    Now I'm waiting for the arrival of the new hardware. The ground plane antennas I can reuse. They need just retrimning: cutting the wip and radials to the new, higher frequency. Same for the J-pole and adjusting its feed point.


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