I think APDS-9960 only has a handful of sensors, enough to detect a hand swipe, but not what you'd associate with an optical mouse.
So you could kind of do a mouse, but it'd be amazingly slow - you'd have to swipe you hand over it multiple times to get to where you want - a bit like trying to do it by pressing arrow keys, but worse :)
There are other sensors that could be used though. Pretty much all of the mouse-related ones are 0.1" pins so are dead easy to solder to...
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I think APDS-9960 only has a handful of sensors, enough to detect a hand swipe, but not what you'd associate with an optical mouse.
So you could kind of do a mouse, but it'd be amazingly slow - you'd have to swipe you hand over it multiple times to get to where you want - a bit like trying to do it by pressing arrow keys, but worse :)
There are other sensors that could be used though. Pretty much all of the mouse-related ones are 0.1" pins so are dead easy to solder to...