Supposedly the crystal is 20 PPM accuracy, so 1 second in 50000 - about 2 seconds a day.
Well, I didn't think the caps were required (since the capacitance is so low and the board has some itself), but I just tried now and it did seem to need them - so yes, I'd add some. They're only a few pence each.
You could always add the crystal, try, and add caps if it's not working.
If you have access to a hot air gun, flux, and tweezers then it'll actually be pretty easy to do. I think with a standard soldering iron it's going to be a bit more of a struggle - but you could put the crystal on its side so you can solder the contacts to the pads more easily.
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Supposedly the crystal is 20 PPM accuracy, so 1 second in 50000 - about 2 seconds a day.
Well, I didn't think the caps were required (since the capacitance is so low and the board has some itself), but I just tried now and it did seem to need them - so yes, I'd add some. They're only a few pence each.
You could always add the crystal, try, and add caps if it's not working.
If you have access to a hot air gun, flux, and tweezers then it'll actually be pretty easy to do. I think with a standard soldering iron it's going to be a bit more of a struggle - but you could put the crystal on its side so you can solder the contacts to the pads more easily.
You can try the following code:
It should report:
When it's working.